Suchergebnisse: "competition"
Maiken Bjerg & Brian Dalgaard - Dänische Meisterschaft 2008
Eingetragen 1,870 views / 1 LikesDanmarksmesterskabet i rock'n roll d. 17. maj 2008 i Skive. De danske mestre Brian Dalgaard og Maiken Bjerg fra Lemvig gymnastikforening, LGF, danser her deres akrofinale i voksenrækken. Foto: Nicolas Borrell Acrobatic rock'n roll winner couple Brian Dalg
Trojan Dance Force - Hip Hop Competition 2011
Eingetragen 2,683 views / 4 LikesHere's the final hip hop dance performed by the USC Trojan Dance Force at the USA Competition in Anaheim Feb. 27, 2011. They came in 4th out of 15 entrants. Fight on!